VFA Membership Designed For You

We Advocate: VFA is the voice of Virginia’s diverse forestry community before policymakers in Richmond and Washington, DC.
We Connect: VFA offers opportunities for stakeholders throughout Virginia’s forestry community to meet, grow relationships, and share ideas.
We Inform: VFA delivers digital and printed publications to keep you informed on the latest news and trends in Virginia’s forestry community.


Which Membership Option is Right for You?

To ensure that we provide the value offering appropriate for you or your business, please select the category below that best describes your primary interest in Virginia’s forestry community:








Interested in Volunteer Service?

The Virginia Forestry Association is built on its Council and Committee system. Without volunteers, the goals and objectives of VFA would not be accomplished. This form allows you the opportunity to indicate the Councils and/or Committees on which you would be interested in serving. To learn more and to take the form, click here.